Monday, June 30, 2014

Master Bedroom = Sanctuary

Since the arrival of our son over 15 months ago our bedroom has always been overloaded with laundry to be put away, an unmade bed and full of colorful décor. It worked for us. That is until we moved to Corpus Christi, TX. The house we left behind in Oklahoma was over 2500 sq/ft and now we have a 1200 sq/ft townhouse. Needless to say we needed to downsize and still make it feel like home. To me a master bedroom is your retreat. It is a place to de-stress and to kick up your feet after a full day. We opted to go with a more muted color scheme in our new place. Our master bedroom is filled with black, grays, tans and bright white. At first I wasn’t so sure about this plan but after living with it for a few months I am head over heels in love with how it has turned out.

The comforter is really what inspired this whole design. We were strolling through Target when we spotted this cotton comforter, holy comfort! Not only is it the most comfortable bedding we've ever purchased but it has such a luxe look to it without being too much. Those leather pillows on the bed have been with us since we first got married. We've got them all over the house. To be completely honest I don't know how they have survived two moves, a dog and a growing little boy but they still look just as nice as they did the day they were purchased. The tan pillows I found here in Corpus at At Home which is a home decor store owned by Garden Ridge. They are opening tons of new stores so keep your eyes open and you MUST go when you find one. I swear it has revolutionized shopping for home goods. My husband has a very modern style and I like the more frou frou girly things, hence the french inspired pillow and the fur throw. Mixing two people's taste is tough, but when you find that perfect mixture it sure feels like a sanctuary. 

Our master bedroom is pretty large considering we are located in an apartment complex, so I was pumped to be able to use my beloved greyscale "London" table. My husband had this custom made for me for our anniversary last year and it is killer. The only down side is the shape makes it hard to place. Initially we planned on putting our television in this space but decided against it. We figured it'd be better to opt out of that idea and actually talk before bed. I have to say this seems to have made an impact on our marriage (more on that in another posts though). The suitcase chair to the left was made by my crafty husband. He joined Pinterest back in February and was so inspired to try his hand in making something from the pins he pinned. It took me over 4 months before I actually attempted to recreate a pin, he's an overachiever! My hubs found a vintage suitcase, grabbed some pinstriped fabric, and some fluffy filling and utilized the massive stash of wood we already had. It took him one night to make this! ONE NIGHT!!!! It took me three days to figure out how to do a craft meant for toddlers. Well played Pinterest, well played.

All I contributed to this little beauty was the fur pillow which I found at Wal-Mart. This was totally a HIS and HERS effort....obviously, lol.


Quite possibly my favorite element in our bedroom, minus my husband of course, is my black globe. This was my Mother's Day gift and I love love love it. Black is my favorite color so when I saw this bad boy I couldn't resist. I talked about it for weeks upon weeks. Now it has a home a-top my beloved table. For those of you who like black as much as I do and love this globe then scurry over to your local Home Goods and scoop one up if you see one. These sell out quick!


We're a blanket hoarding kind of family and I loathe piles of blankets in the corner of a room. I found this adorable canvas tote at Home Goods and what made it even better was that I bought it on sale! I swear I get a high when I score a good deal. We rolled up our blankets and folded one on top so we didn't have a bunch of random a** colors messing with our monochromatic color scheme. Yep, I'm totally OCD like that!

I'm challenging myself to do a series of home tour blog posts. Mainly so I have a fire under my rear to finish decorating our new home, but also to show how living in a smaller space can still be luxurious and glamorous. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Now I'm off to light my sandalwood candle and snuggle up in our bed to read a book, haha that's not true. I'm the mom of a toddler so realistically I'm off to go scrape food off of my couch. Glamour at its finest!!!


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Friday, June 27, 2014

Traveling Essentials When Traveling with Baby

I met a beautiful woman on my travels to Canada last month. I overpacked and although I brought my trusted Ergobaby, I also brought  babyB's stroller, as well as a huge carry on tote. I was in way over my head. Picture this: my 5'2 and 125lb stature wearing a 7 month old baby and pushing a stroller filled to the brim with my and baby's carry ons--all while pulling the world's heaviest suitcase and trying to maintain my fabulosity.  So back to the story: I land in Toronto and the uber helpful stewardess not only assists me with strapping babyB in his Ergobaby, but she also carried both my carry-ons off the plane (big shout out to Porter Airlines for their exceptional customer service). After disembarking, the cutest guy ever helped me assemble babyB's car seat and stroller. Then my journey began.
I found my way to baggage claim and managed to get another fella (not as cute as the 1st) to grab my heavier-than-a-dead-body, suitcase off the conveyor belt. Ready to explore Toronto, I followed signs to the nearest elevator. There I was, pushing a stroller with my left hand and pulling my suitcase with my right all while bouncing up and down to soothe babyB--in short I looked like a hot mess! Unable to find the exit I asked an employee and was then advised I had to take a ferry. On my way to the ferry, a lovely woman asked me if I needed help and I reluctantly said yes. I didn't realize how much pain my arms were in until she took over! I expected her to just help me onto to ferry, but she pushed the stroller all the way to the car! Being a mother herself, I picked her brain about motherhood (as I often do). She gave me tips on child rearing and the importance of savoring every moment as they run away from us very quickly. We exchanged cards and have been in contact ever since then. I was so grateful for our serendipitous encounter and learned that flying with baby was meant for 2 and not 1. But I am a single mother. This trip taught me the days of overpacking for 100 "just-in-case" events would need to end if I wanted to make traveling with baby an easier task. Not that I have it all figured out but here are five tips on making traveling with baby easy-er.
1. Wear your baby. From now on I will opt to leave the stroller at home. Using a carrier means that your baby can happily continue napping as you get on and off planes and rush to the next gate. A recent rule change allows you to wear your baby through security, so you don’t have to disturb him if he is sleeping. They just do a quick swab of your hands (to check for explosives, as if a mother has time to fiddle with making a bomb) once you get through.

2. Stock up. Take a well-stocked diaper bag, including diapers, wipes, bottles (unless you breast feed), snacks, a sippy cup, a book or two, and some quiet toys. If the child is old enough, a couple of Baby Einstein videos downloaded onto an iPad are great attention-holders for pretty good chunks of time. The iPad is also great for you- in the off chance that you get super lucky and end up with a sleeping baby on your lap for part of the flight. You can quietly catch up on some reading.
3. Feed the Baby on Takeoff and Landing: This is a tried and true tip for flying with babies. Make sure to breastfeed the baby or give them a bottle of milk or a sippy cup of water at takeoff and landing to help their small ears adjust to the plane pressure. And anytime you notice the pressure getting rough on your own ears, be sure to give the baby something as well--whether it be the bottle, boob, sippy cup or pacifier. Don't forget your nursing scarf so you don't offend any passengers.
4. Dress easy. That goes for you and your baby. Don’t put booties or shoes on your baby. At least not through security, unless you don’t mind taking them off, but it’s just an extra step they make you go through. Socks are ok. Also, don’t wear a belt you’ll have to take off at security, or shoes you’ll have to untie and tie again, or a big coat that will get in the way… You get the idea. If you’re flying alone with a baby these things that are normally simple to do are a HUGE PAIN!

5. Travel with adequate gear. There is enough stress in traveling and there's no need to add any more by traveling with scant gear. Invest in a timeless piece like this ergonomically designed spinner it's perfect for traveling moms--it's lightweight, durable and not to mention chic! 

And most importantly, relax. What are your favorite tips for traveling with kids? What has surprised you about traveling with kids?

See a crazed and sleep-less looking mama wearing this season's hottest trends? That would be me. I am Fashnboucou, a 29 year old single mom to a super energetic 8 month old baby boy, with superhero strength. When I'm not busy keeping cords, cellphones and remotes out of his mouth, I am trying to show the world my love for fashion through my personal style and my blog, Fashnboucou, a collection of style for mommies, soon to be mommies and of course your little one.

Head over to Fashnboucou to visit her blog and show her some love!

Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Best Baby Board Books

My girls are finally at a stage where they are "reading", a.k.a. turning the pages of the books and looking at the pictures. Well, sort of. They still occasionally bring the book to their mouths to gnaw. I say "Books are for reading not eating" and try to redirect their attention back to the illustrations. It's a work in progress. But they enjoy story time and will sit with me for the majority, if not all of the story.

I have compiled a list of some of the baby board books we have been enjoying lately. I have inserted links in the title of each book to their pages if you would like more info/reviews. All images are courtesy of Amazon.

You Are My Cupcake by Joyce Wan

The illustrations pop with a beautifully bright color palette and some of the elements of the images are raised for texture or have glitter, ex: the sprinkles of the cupcake. Great for sensory development. Super cute, kawaii-esque style.

Baby Sophie la girafe: First Words by DK Publishing

Before my girls were even born they each received a Sophie giraffe from my friend Kim as their very first gifts. Most moms know this little thing is made of magic and all babies are drawn to it instantly. Needless to say, my girls like this one a lot because they recognize the Sophie image.

Baby Loves To Rock by Wednesday Kirwan

This is my own personal favorite, not gonna lie! As a "rocker" family this is totally appropriate and was another awesome gift from our friend Rachel. I don't want to give it away, but the concept is totally unique and cute. Rock on, babies! \m/

You Are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis and Caroline Jayne Church

Love singing this classic song to my littles and now we have it in amazing board book form. The one we have has a shiny, gold cover which the girls really like. And the illustrations are phenomenal! I can't read the words, I have to sing every time! :)

You're All My Favorites by Sam McBratney

This one is great if you have more than one child. It explains how parents can love each child equally and each one can be a favorite. It would be a great idea to have an older sibling read to the younger one(s). I love the concept so much. I gave my triplet nephews a copy. One of my new faves.

I plan on doing future posts as our library expands and grows with our daughters. What are some of your best baby board books? Share yours in the comments below!

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Friday, June 20, 2014

What The Baby Books Failed to Mention

Well, it has been a year! They say the first year of a human's life is the most dangerous. My girls turned a year old on June 2nd. I have watched them blossom into the most energetic, crazy toddlers with the most amazing and entertaining personalities. They have come a long way since they first arrived on the planet 365 days ago and it has been the greatest pleasure in my life to witness the growth and development of my two little humans.

I have learned a lot about myself on my journey through motherhood as well. Reflecting on the past year has made me realize parenting was not really what I expected in so many ways. There have been a million ups and downs. Tears of happiness and utter insanity. Moments I felt like super mom and moments I felt like the worst parent on Earth.

Here are some of the things I learned from my first year being mommy that none of the books I read while prego prepared me for.

First off, the moment I heard my children cry for the first time is and will probably always be the most astounding thing I have ever experienced. I found out I was pregnant, I felt them grow inside of me, I saw the ultrasounds, but nothing compared to hearing the first sounds they ever made. Thinking of those moments at 10:36 and 10:37 in the morning will forever resonate with me as the best moments of my life.

There is going to be poop. A LOT OF POOP! Like, a lot. Seriously. Babies are little shit machines! It's going to leak out of diapers onto clothes, sheets, swings -basically any place the baby can be. It is going to come in a rainbow of colors and consistencies. Just when you think you get used to the smell (well, sort of) you will open a diaper and unleash something that smells like a mixture of sewage, roadkill, and garbage that has been simmering in a landfill for weeks and all you can really say is "Oh my god!" when you experience the blow out. And your kid will poop in the tub. Pray it's solid. I have pictures of poop on my phone, but I'm sure nobody has time for that. Do other moms take pics of baby poop or am I just a weirdo? 


I also wrote several status updates about poop this past year.

As I was inserting these images I thought, "Wow, how do I even have friends?". But a good chunk of them liked or commented on the poop posts, so I guess they don't mind all that much.

Being a mom has given me super powers. I feel like I have strength when there should be none. I used to feed a baby, rock one, and talk on the phone. I can carry two 20 pound babies up to my apartment on the third floor at the same time. I have learned to run on empty. I have redefined the word multi-task. I can maneuver a twin stroller and twin shopping cart. And my instincts are so keen when it comes to my kids I feel like a lioness or a mama wolf or something.

Being a mom can be kryptonite too. There are so many times I feel immobile, run down, and skip bath time because I just can't. I forget to cut my kids nails or clean out their ears. I know it's horrible, but I haven't been the best at brushing their teeth lately (they only have 4 teeth, but I still feel like a failure). Maybe they sleep in their clothes. I seem to never be able to keep up with housework and laundry. And there are many, many times I have no fucking clue what is going on or what to do.

You know the old saying, "It takes a village to raise a child"? It seriously does. Kevin works a lot, so when he isn't here to back me up my mom is only a phone call away and thankfully lives 5 minutes down the street. She has helped when we're sick, babysits so we can run errands or go to the movies. Kevin's family is back in Florida, but they are still part of this hypothetical village. His mom is seriously like my counselor/therapist at times. She listens to all my problems and gives me great advice. His sister (who is also a mama) is my Skype/texting buddy. We exchange our motherhood woes and triumphs through hilarious stories and photos. My Dad comes to visit from out of state as well and hooks us up with wipes and diapers when he is in town. Of course, all the other family that text or call to check in, sends awesome clothes and toys for the girls, and sends us movie tickets or gift cards so we can treat ourselves are an awesome help too. And then there are our friends, both near and far. They go out for drinks with us, come to our kids' birthday party, swap babysitting, come keep us company, -they help give us a sense of normalcy whether they have kids or not. Without all of these people it would impossible to raise kids. Well, not really, but it would be even harder than it already is.


I am sure there are a ton more examples I can cite, but it would go on for far too long. Basically, there is  lot you can prepare for before your kids enter the world, but most things in parenthood you learn by experience. By failure. By trial and error. And by help and guidance from the people in your life who have been there and done it before. Trust your instincts and always remember that you are the parent and at the end of the day you just gotta do what is best for you and your family.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Five Ways To Entertain Your Kids This Summer

School is out and the kids are home. Now what do you do? In my home chaos has not yet erupted because this will be our first full week of no school and some rest and relaxation. Well, no rest and my kids do not relax. Back in May I decided that this year I needed to have a plan for summer. The first part of my plan was to come up with a schedule. Now I am not one for schedules’ especially in the summer, but without some kind of a guide I would have no direction. The second part of my plan is to have planned activities that I can do with all of my children. They vary in age from 15 to 4 months. We are a single income family, so it is important that I stay within our budget on summer fun.

I know that work does not sound like fun, but your home is a ship and it will not function properly with all fun and no work. So, put together a quick morning routine to get the laundry started, pick up the house, and clean something for 15 minutes. Give each child one special chore. Keep in mind that it won’t be perfect, but it is that training behind the work that matters. Set the timer and make a game out of it. The first one done receives a special reward or privilege.

Pinterest is a great tool. Look up “creative play” and see the results. Pick something that is easy, cost efficient and fun. Dive in with the kids. The best memories are made with them, not just observing!

Now on the flip side of the coin, encourage the kids to find their own way to play. They will entertain themselves if left on their own. Even if the first few days they complain that they are bored. Leave them alone. Kids need time without electronics or toys to keep them occupied, it helps their creative juices to start flowing.

Read some chapter books that may be above your child's grade level. Sit down with them and learn how to create jewelry or make a dinosaur out of paper mache. Go to the hobby store and pick up a leather craft kit or have them take a class on sewing. Many times the classes are offered half price on certain days. The opportunities are endless. Hobbies are great for kids, so in the future they will never be bored. Turn off the TV and see how long they will work on the project. Do some of the project with them, then take them out for an ice cream when they finish the rest on their own!

Look up some free events online in your area.
Go camping.
Take them on a nature hike.
Remember a game or something you used to play as a kid. My kids love to play hide and seek at night.
Catch lightning bugs.
The list is endless. I like to go back to my roots and remember what we used to do as kids outside. There are too many kids playing indoors. Remember the spontaneous kickball games? Give kids a chance to have some great childhood memories with you and some on their own!


My name is Michelle Knight and I blog at My days are spent with my four sons age 15, 5, 3, and 4 months. They keep me very busy and very young. When I am not home schooling, cleaning, blogging, or selling my Avon you can find me on my ipad feeding my interest addiction! 

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