Thursday, October 30, 2014

The NEW Millennial Mother

After a very long hiatus, we're back! Well, I'm back. When the whole idea of Millennial Mother started I wanted it to be my blog. My blog about all the crazy shit that happened in my day to day life as a new mom to twins. But I lacked the confidence to do it. That is why I came up with the concept for a collective- different moms with different perspectives. But looking back it was just to mask the fact that I thought no one would want to read about me, my family, and all of our crazy experiences. But after half a year of lacking content from other mamas (I had one writer who was dedicated, besides myself) and basically begging people to contribute, I just stopped. Partly because of a big move and a lot of unexpected personal issues, but mostly because I thought my idea had failed. 

I wanted to come back and post so many times, but again I was afraid for the focus to be on me. But now I am saying, "Fuck it!". This blog can be about me and my family. Most of the original MM posts were mine and they got a lot of great feedback and response from readers. I am now confident and proud and I am going through with my initial idea to have a blog- my blog. So, this will no longer be a lifestyle collective blog. I am the Millennial Mother and this is my awesome blog!

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