Saturday, November 29, 2014

Making Time

I have 2 toddlers. They are crazy little creatures who seem to want to destroy everything. My days are spent trying to feed, clothe, bathe them with lots of protest, take care of my household chores, keep them happy and entertained, and some how find time to feed, clothe, bathe myself. In the midst of all this, blogging has fallen to the wayside, along with many other things I would love to do regularly, but just cannot seem to find the time. But I do not want to leave myself out just because 3 other people depend on me to keep them and our home in some sort of livable order on the day to day.

It's barely December so I am starting hella early, but my New Years resolution is to take care of myself a little bit better. I am constantly being pulled in different directions, but that shouldn't be an excuse not to show self-love and set time aside just for me. I do so much, I deserve it. I deserve to squeeze in time for a bubble bath after the kids go down for the night. I deserve to paint my nails and toes. I deserve to skip a load of laundry or dishes to catch up on my reading or snail mail. I deserve to blog about deserving all this stuff!

There are so many times I put myself and my needs behind everyone else's in my life. I want to start being a little bit more important to myself. If I am not as healthy, happy, and content as I can be how could I expect to run this ship? It is also becoming apparent that I need to show more self-love and self-care because my daughters need to see it in action. I can't tell them about these things, I need to show them. I want them to see a balanced role model, so I am going to try my best to be that for them.

                                                   It's-ok-to-be-all-about-me selfie

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