Saturday, May 31, 2014

Parents Don't Get Sick Days

Over the past two weeks it's been a sick fest! Last week Dakota had to be picked up from day care and stay home the next day. We made two trips to the doctor's office because of high fevers. They tested for strep and the flu, said she didn't have an ear infection. So, guess the fevers were just due to teething.

This week we got a call that Delilah had a high fever and needed to be picked up. Thankfully I had off the next day from work and was able to stay home with her. We took a long nap together and all she wanted was to snuggle and cuddle, as anyone does when they are under the weather.

 That night before bed I had the most awful headache and over the next 24 hours it continued to grow into the most severe sinus headache I have ever had! Kevin was at work all day Saturday, so I struggled through the day trying to take care of the girls. Of course, every time I left their side they would scream (thanks to this super clingy phase they have both been going through) and my head felt like it was going to explode! I was pretty much a prisoner in their play pen all day.

My mom was at work and said she could come by and help when she got off that evening. The wait was excrutiating! There was a point I started crying in the play pen because the pain was unbearable! Dakota and Delilah started to get upset, so I did my best to keep calm. Finally, my amazing Mama arrived with ginger ale, sinus meds, and soup. She fed the girls dinner and put them to bed while I passed out on the couch. I felt so weak and pitiful. It is hard not feeling like you have the ability to take care of your children the way they need to be taken care of. I am super thankful that my Mom was able to come and help and was proud of myself for reaching out when I knew I couldn't handle it.

Today I felt a bit better, but still extremely crappy. The days of overdosing on medicine and sleeping all day are long gone. Parents do not get sick days. I still have to feed, entertain, change diapers, even though I feel like poop. I had to call out of work tonight, which gives me a large amount of anxiety because I hate losing the money. But it was a mature choice because this mama needs to get herself well. I took it as easy as I could and when Kevin got home from work he had soup in hand and watched Eddie Murphy comedy with me to cheer me up. The girls are in bed now just before 8pm and I am about to follow suit. I am looking forward to feeling better tomorrow. Not looking forward to tackling the apartment that has fallen to the way side from my neglect the past few days. But it is only stuff and stuff can be picked up and put away.

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