Thursday, May 22, 2014

Apartment Gardening

The garden center. It lures me in with the annuals and perennials giving me their 'come-hither' stares as they sway in the warm beautiful breezes, whispering their promises of summer. It's almost enough to make me forget I'm in Wal-Mart.

I'll admit, I'm by no means a horticulturist. I don't know the proper way of doing anything. Most of what I know, I learned from my mother who decided we needed a full blown vegetable garden when we were still living in government housing. She grew corn, watermelon, okra, spinach, tomatoes, cantaloupe, beans, and mint. I still love growing mint to this day because of her. It always reminds me of summers when I was younger. Olfactory nostalgia. I guess that's why I enjoy it so much. It gives me the opportunity to recreate happier moments from my childhood. It makes me feel somehow connected to my mother, like that by doing things she did, I'm absorbing only the good parts of her and recycling the bad stuff into the energy I put into planting. It's cleansing. Spending afternoon naptimes on my patio reaching down into the pots, lifting up the earth, loosening roots, trimming off the dead branches and wilted flowers; something about it just revitalizes me. When I see my poppies bloom, it's like waking up on Christmas morning to me. Like all of my efforts are turned into these beautiful crepe paper blossoms.

I started my gardening again a couple of years ago with some succulents, mainly Jade and Aloe. After just a couple of months, my flame had been rekindled. I would buy plants anywhere. Kroger, Lowes, Wal-Mart; no store was beneath my habit. I couldn't keep enough pots around. Since then, I've regrown new succulents from cut-offs and broadened my Green Palette. I try to be careful when I pick any flowering plants for two reasons. One, I live in Texas where the weather has mood swings like a woman in menopause. Two, I hate when a plant dies. It just feels like a waste of time, energy, money, and I won't go into me crying over it. Yes, I cry over plants.

I added perennials this year. I know someone is going to say, 'but poppies are perennials!' Well, as it turns out, some are. (On a side note, I learned that in fact there are a lot of plants that are bred to be annuals! My guess is just so consumers will have to repurchase every year. I was annoyed when I found that out.) I tried to stick to flowers or shrubs I've grown before; irises, jasmine, strawberries, a few herbs and a couple of small lime trees. I have to say, I am so proud of how they're turning out this year, despite the weathers determination to kill everything. The best payback is getting to cook with herbs I've grown myself. Let me tell you, the smell of fresh cut cilantro and basil are mind blowing! The best part is knowing that they haven't been fed any chemicals. If I have any motivation for continuing my gardening, it's that! Can you imagine the perfection in walking out your back door, picking your fruits, veggies, and herbs and having pretty much your entire meal just from that?

I just (obviously) really love gardening. It brings me peace and a sense of self. I always think its silly when I talk about it to people and they act like it's impossible to do if you live in an apartment. As long as you have a window, you can grow! The only thing I'd recommend to someone looking to start their own 'Apartment Gardening' is figure out what you want from it. Are you just wanting to see if you can not kill a plant? Do you want colors, fragrance, or foliage? Maybe you want to become more self reliant? The options can be overwhelming. A good place to start as crazy as it sounds, is Pinterest! I always find great suggestions with everything from feeding your plants to good times to plant. I seriously advise using it! As if you didn't already Pinterest your day away! Other than that, the only serious advisement I can give to anyone is, know your climate! If you live in sweltering conditions, just know that you will have to work a lot harder to keep tulips alive, versus irises. In contrast, your desert rose will probably not be happy if you live in Maine.

As far as space goes, it's not as difficult as you'd think. We have the long planter boxes for the herbs and were trying to find some hooks so we can hang them on the edge of the railing. Hanging planters are working out for the poppies and some of my succulents. The trees and shrubs do tend to take up some room, but to me they're worth it. The reward of gardening runs deep. (I’m resisting the urge to insert a hilarious plant-pun). I can not recommend it enough. Few things are as relaxing as Judah napping and me on the back porch, sipping a beer, sitting in the sun, listening to music, and repotting my ivy. I know how it sounds, but there are few things that can clear your mind and your mood as fast as that can.

All of that said, good luck keeping tiny fists of fury out of your beautiful green treasures. They love to help!

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