Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pinspiration! Valentine Robots

Pinterest is a great place to look for inspiration on any and every topic. From DIY, home decor, crafts, recipes, and more it is the go-to for just about any project you could possible imagine. In the spirit of Saint Valentine, Kasey shares her Pinspiration in creating valentine's for her son Kayden.

Supplies you need:

-juice boxes

-mini boxes of raisins

-cups of apple sauce

-candy for arms; you can use mini airheads, smarties, mini twizzlers, etc.

-sticker eyes

-hot glue gun

Step 1:
Place 2 boxes of raisins on a flat surface next to each other.

Step 2:
Put small sections of glue on the bottom of each side of the juice box and sit on top of raisins at desired location.

Step 3:
Put small sections of glue on top of the juice box away from straw hole and place apple sauce with foil side down & opening tab in back.

Step 4:
Place a small circle of glue on candy and place in desired location on each side of juice box for arms.

Step 5:
Select a set of eyes and place on apple sauce container in front.

Step 6:
Pass out and enjoy!!

**Take note when removing apple sauce to eat turn robot upside down to avoid foil from ripping and causing a mess.**

Check out the Pinspiration for these cutie robots here!

At the age of 26, Kasey is a mommy of a full force, real life Bam Bam who goes by the name of Kayden . After working a full-time job's shift she comes home to tiny Legos stuck in her foot & constantly feeding a stomach that doesn't fill on her little one. Residing in sunny South Florida, she likes to spend most of her time outside attempting to run any type of energy out of Kayden. Crafts always bring them closer, so they attempt any and every new idea.

A quick glance into her life can be done on Instagram @miss_sunshine017

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