Monday, December 30, 2019

Mixing Paint

We do a TON of painting over here. Like a ton. My kids could paint all day every day if possible. It makes me so happy they love art and when they are creating they get so focused and engaged. It really is a pleasure to watch. I am always on the hunt for cool process art projects or crafts to set them up with. I had the pleasure of stumbling across the amazing world of Meri Cherry on Instagram. Everything she does is pure magic and inspires me to the nth degree. I literally scrolled down so far into her feed and was sucked into a rabbit hole of art bliss that she is responsible for.

It is really super simple, but she had this post about mixing paint in small jars and letting the kids name the colors. Super thoughtful and nothing short of awesome. It really resonated with me and I couldn't wait to do it with my kiddos ASAP! (I searched and searched for her post on this, so I could show you exactly where the spark happened, but I couldn't find it :( Sorry.)

Baby food jars, tempera paint, and masking tape.

That is all you need.

I let the girls mix the paint to create different colors and then pick names for their creations. They came up with some great ones!


It was an activity they really loved and they were bummed when we ran out of jars and had to stop. The other amazing thing about this is I have noticed we are using less paint. We aren't painting less, but the small baby food jars are a great alternative to the kids squirting out massive loads of paint during projects. We did this project before Halloween and the jars still have a good amount of paint in them. That means we are saving money and I am all about that!

This is my new jam! And whenever the paint runs out in the little jars we can mix up some more, pick new names, and repeat again and again!

Check out for SERIOUSLY everything awesome! And if you live in the Los Angeles area, go to her art studio! I want to go to LA just to visit her space! I would also follow her on Instagram and buy her book ASAP! You're welcome! :)

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